Power Analysis

Power testing for sustainable development

Whether you’re in design, testing, product reviewing, or marketing, having high-quality power data is essential.

Understanding device power consumption is vital for creating sustainable products, as issues like consumption, heat output, and costs grow each year. Energy standards, such as the SNIA emerald standard and the US energy star rating, are rapidly increasing, making it essential to showcase your products’ energy credentials. Quarch tools offer a unique blend of simplicity and power at a competitive price compared to other market analyses.

Quarch power analysis benefits

✔ Plug-and-play fixing, setup in seconds ✔ Support for a huge range of DC and AC devices

✔ High-resolution, calibrated measurements ✔ Powerful analysis applications

✔ Simple automation with full access to raw data ✔ Long-term recording

Our customers

Quarch has a rich history in the data storage sector, where the energy consumption of storage devices significantly impacts the efficiency of large data centers. We set the industry standard for SSD power analysis for major storage companies. Across telecoms, aerospace, automotive, and other sectors, we are expanding our power analysis tools into new markets, delivering automation that enables our tools to operate 24/7.

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