Testing SFP28 QSFP28 Cables

Mike Dearman

Posted: 25th January 2019

Any businesses using the latest 25G/100G LAN or 32G FC links—from data centers to designers of self-driving cars—can use Quarch’s new range of breaker modules to automate hot-plug and fault-injection testing. Instead of performing a limited range of manual tests, you can dramatically increase your test coverage and remove the costly manual test element.

The new SFP28 and QSFP28 modules sit between a host and a copper or optical interconnect cable. With the modules in place, you can automate a wide range of physical layer tests including:

  • Automating hot-plug and pull of the cable
  • Simulating pin-bounce on insertion
  • Testing all possible insertion speed scenarios
  • Creating a huge range of physical layer failures and interruptions.

Our existing range of SFP+ modules has a proven record with a wide range of customers. The new SFP28 and QSFP28 products will be valuable for anyone developing storage enclosures, networking interconnects and the sensor/data networks within self-driving cars.


Read the specs


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