Jocasta Mann
The Quarch team has been catching up with a bumper month for orders: Product builds have kept the production team incredibly busy, but luckily they found some time to show us what they’ve been working on.
A blue-chip customer ordered a set of 6-way Programmable Power Modules (PPMs) – a pretty involved build for the team, but a challenge they always tackle with precision. Once the cables are routed for power and data and the fans installed for cooling, the PPMs are secured in place and the product is ready for testing and calibration.
The PPM is a comprehensive power analysis tool that replaces expensive, bulky equipment like bench power supplies, scopes and current probes. This makes them ideal for detailed power vs. performance testing of prototype SSDs, for example. Our client has ordered rack-mounted multi-output versions of their PPMs, which allows them to test a large number of devices at once without having to disconnect any and reducing the rack space required.
With these ready to be shipped, work begins on the next set of orders. In spite of current restrictions and even with new workplace distancing and safety measures, the building and development hasn’t stopped – and orders for our automated testing tools continue to come in, which tells us our customers continue to test and develop their own products as well. A hugely encouraging thing to be aware of in such a turbulent time!