USB-3 Power Injection Fixture

USB-3 Power Injection Fixture

Part Number: QTL3019

Product Details

Allows a Quarch Power Module to perform USB-3 power injection. This simple interposer sits inline with a USB and can be setup in seconds.

With power being supplied from a Quarch PPM (Programmable Power Module), the fixture can perform a range of power cycling, margining, ramping, and glitching scenarios with our fully programmable power rails.

Analysis of the power consumption of the USB device is also simple, either using the powerful Quarch Power Studio or with simple Python scripting.

With capture rates up to 250KS/s, high accuracy sampling, and a range of powerful features, you can understand and optimise the power use of many standard USB devices.

It requires a Quarch Programmable Power Module and USB cables (not supplied).

Automated test for USB devices and hosts


  • Connects a Power Module to a USB2/USB3 device
  • Supplies 5V at up to 4Amps
  • Voltage margining from 0V to 6V


  • Host connection: USB-B port
  • Device connection: USB-A port
  • Supports up to 4 Amp supply at 5 volts

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