QuarchPy Python Package

QuarchPy Python Package

Part Number: QuarchPy

Product Details

The QuarchPy package is an integrated Python package allowing control over Quarch modules.

The package provides simple methods to connect to a module over any communications interface and send commands.

Additional classes allow automation of streaming from power modules and automation of Quarch Power Studio. A version of both QIS and QPS is included in the package so you have everything you need to automate every Quarch product.

QuarchPy installs into Python 2.x and 3.x versions on both Windows and Linux. It provides a simple API to access any Quarch module and includes all prerequisites for USB, Serial, Telnet and ReST control options. Install is normally via PIP [“pip install quarchpy”] but a local installer is also provided for download:

This can be downloaded then installed with [“pip install quarchpy-filename.whl“]


  • Allows simple Python control over all Quarch modules
  • Supports all communication protocols
  • Supports all standard Python versions.


  • Python 2.x and 3.x compatible
  • Supports USB, Serial, Telnet and ReST control.

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