Application Notes

Application notes are a great way to start with automation

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AN-025 – QPS Window averaging example

QPS Window averaging example This example demonstrates post-processing calculation of a standard QPS output CSV file. We capture data to CSV, the use post process averaging to calculate the worst case active power consumption, using a user specified averaging window.

AN-021 – QPS automation and post processing

This application note demonstrates automation of QPS and export of the data for post processing

AN-024 – HD PPM Pattern Example

Here we show how to create a complex pattern using a simple python script. In this case we will create a ‘chirp’ on the rail. This can be increased in magnitude until a drive failure is detected.

AN-020 – Module control with config files

This application note demonstrates a mechanism to find the capabilities of breaker modules, including the signals that can be controlled.

AN-019 – HD PPM Calibration

Describes the calibration process for Quarch HD power modules. On site calibration allows users to ensure instrument meet formal standards without requiring them to be sent back to Quarch

AN-015 – Automating QPS

Demonstrates Python automated control of QPS (Quarch Power Studio). This demonstrates basic control of recording power and adding custom data and annotations. New in v1.5 : Improved code flow and instructions

AN-017 – QPS Performance Test With FIO

Demonstrates the ability of QPS automation to work with traffic generation. In this example we use FIO to drive traffic and then record both power and IOPS performance onto the same chart for analysis. New in v1.4: Bug fixes, improved error checking and better instructions

AN-016 – QPS automation with Iometer

Application note AN-016 demonstrates how to automate Power Studio and Iometer with a simple Python script, such that QPS will display annotated results of each Iometer test and chart both power and IO performance. New in v1.5: Updated instructions and improved examples

QPS Example Data

Example recorded data trace for viewing in QPS

AN-014 – Trigger on host power up (AIC modules)

A new feature of AIC modules allows you to detect the host power up and use this to trigger an internal (or external) action.

AN-011 – Driving CLKREQ,WAKE,PERST and similar on PCIe modules

Quarch PCIe modules have the ability to drive some sideband signals high and low, to create a variety of additional test situations. This application note describes the operation of the signal driving features, and provides examples on its use

AN-002 – Creating physical layer SAS errors

Quarch modules are capable of creating a large number of physical layer faults. These fault scenarios can be used to test the ability of your design to handle likely failures. This application note is based on creating physical layer errors across almost any interface (PCIe, SAS, Ethernet and beyond) We describe how to create (and …

AN-001 – Customizing glitch/drive events

This application note is specifically for Quarch PCIe modules, though many of the ideas can be translated onto other hot-swap / breaker modules. A customer requested our help to create a very specific series of events, to replicate an issue they were trying to debug. In this example, we show how we created the series …

Programmable Power Module Vs Scope

A simple comparison between the Quarch Programmable Power Module and an alternative power measurement option using an oscilloscope and current probes

AN-008 – Excel PPM Data Visualiser

This application note includes a simple Excel worksheet that can take streamed Power Module data and allow post processing and graphing. It can re-average data (for instance allowing data to be converted to a 1 second sampling rate) and display a subset of the recorded file.

AN-007 – Java Stream App for Power Modules

The Java based Stream! application allows cross platform USB streaming of data from a PPM, at up to 15k Samples/second. This example app allows both viewing and saving to CSV file. The source code is available on request. This may require Firmware updates of your module. QTL1824 (XLC Modules), must be hardware revision -03 or …

AN-006 – Python Control of Quarch Modules

Demonstrates how to use Python to perform basic control of any standard Quarch module over USB, Serial or Telnet. The provided libraries can be easily integrated with your own code. New in v1.9: Readability improvements Updated documentation

AN-012 – QIS Python Control of Power Modules

Demonstrates Python automated control of Power Modules over USB and LAN. This allows platform-independent control of the device, with high speed download and streaming of measurement data. This example makes use of the Quarch Instrumentation Server (QIS) and is the recommended method of automating control over Quarch power modules. This may require Firmware updates of …

AN-003 – Plugfest hot-swap testing

Application note AN003 – Describes the mandatory hot-swap tests required for NVMe Plugfest #4 and later. This is also suitable for hot-swap of many other storage devices Demonstrates how to repeat these tests, and recommends additional testing required to ensure you are compliant. v1.8 – Has improved documentation and commenting and various fixes

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