Graham Seed
Senior Software Engineer
After completing a BEng in Mechanical Engineering at Leeds University, I then completed an MPhil and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Sheffield University specialising in the engineering application of the Finite Element Method. On leaving Sheffield University I then worked as a lecturer/researcher at Heriot-Watt University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In 2005 I left the academic sector and entered the commercial sector as a software engineer.
I joined Quarch in 2021 and work as part of the software engineering team. My day to day role is helping improve and extend Quarch’s software that interfaces with their hardware. Quarch is a great company to work with, they are a closely-knit team of people that are a pleasure to work with.
My main hobby is motorbikes, and when it’s not raining in Scotland [which is a rare event] I’m either cleaning my bikes with an oily rag or whizzing through the beautiful Scottish countryside.